Introducing Shiroma-ha Moidi Motoburyu (舞手本部流合戦取手)
Shiroma-ha Moidi Motoburyu– traditional empty hand and weapons art from old Ryukyu (Okinawa) taught by Yagi Isao Hanshi (9th dan). This art comes down from the Motobu clan, an aristocratic family in the old Shuri dynasty, and is regarded as descended from the royal family self defence system.
Junior Karate Classes キッズ空手クラス
今生徒募集中 月水金土クラス、週4回参加でもOKです! 英語で空手を学びましょう! 体験コース2週間4000円で空手着無料! Kids Karate Classes in English & Japanese キッズ空手クラスのミッションは、伝統的な空手の技と規律を学びながら、自信とコミュニケーション、特に聞く力と理解力を、実践的かつ楽しみながら向上させることです。 The Kids’ Karate class mission […]
Class Schedule
NEW CLASSES – Monday/Wednesday/Friday mornings – Kobudo practice and Gojyu-ryu Karate with Dan Antonsen Renshi […]
What we teach
Classes in Shorin-ryu karate, Goju-ryu karate and kobudo plus special seminars At the Asato Dojo […]